Grishma Bijukumar – VP Welfare & Community


Grishma Bijukumar is running for VP Welfare and Community. In the opening of her manifesto, she states that she wants to put the ‘student voice’ at the heart of her welfare campaigns, and notes that she is ‘passionate about welfare issues which impact students.’ Having had experience as an academic rep, a member of the Solutions Team at the Student’s Union and being involved in the LU Mental Health and Nightline groups, she states that she noted that she wants to further develop policies which had the potential to be beneficial but are currently ‘falling short.’

When asked about what she would change about the current Student’s Union, she stated that there is a lack of ‘transparency,’ as students do not know what the officers are doing. She suggested that what officers discuss in their meetings, if possible, should be made public as it should be made clear how their actions will benefit the student body, and what they value they will have.

Grishma also suggested that she would not be a ‘behind-the-scenes’ officer, and wants to be an approachable person who students can turn to with their questions and issues surrounding welfare. Her manifesto, she states, ‘caters to as many students as possible.’ Her key policies are sexual misconduct, mental and sexual health and to provide greater support for liberation and minority groups.  She said when looking at national statistics and recent events, we should make sure that ‘students of all backgrounds feel safe on campus.’ Grishma also stated that she would work ‘hand in hand’ with the liberation groups and PTO’s and would consult with them before making any major policy changes.

One of the major points in her manifesto surrounds the importance of making sexual health products more ‘accessible’ to students, both in the Students Union and the Sugarhouse nightclub. She suggests that, if elected, would introduce a separate table in the SU so students can have access to free products in a ‘non-judgemental environment.’ In case this did not work, she says that she would instead ask students how they would like to see the issue tackled.

On top of this, Grishma has said that she will launch a campaign against sexual misconduct, and has pledged to ‘provide and deliver inclusive consent bystander talks.’ When asked how she would promote these to secure a significant attendance, she said promoting these talks to incoming first years would having long-term benefits for students on campus.

Trivia: Grishma could name all six liberation groups.

Olivia Kenny

Hi! I'm Olivia (but everyone calls me Liv) and I'm the Associate Editor for SCAN for 2019-2020. I was previously the News Editor and have contributed to the section since the beginning of my first year. Now in my third year, SCAN is a huge part of my University life. Feel free to drop me an email if you have any questions, I'd love to hear from you!

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