York dominate in Octopush


What is Octopush I’m hearing you say? Same – I didn’t really know either. I’m not entirely sure I know now, but I do know that this is one rather interesting sport. Best described as underwater hockey, players dive underwater with miniature hockey-like sticks to guide a puck into goals at the bottom of the swimming pool. Players can sub in and out throughout the game at anytime, so there’s constant transition and change for both teams.

CONFESSION: after publicly shouting “Does anyway have any idea what is going on?” multiple times in the spectator stands, desperate for someone to help me, but seriously lacking in response apart from an “it’s 5-0”. Then, like Octopush guardian angels, I found two York Octopushers (?) who saved the day and explained all.

York absolutely dominated the entire game, with Lancaster failing to score a single goal, with the final result being 11-0 to York. With the York Captain a member of Octopush Team GB, the dominance York permitted was inevitable. Lancaster never really managed to get into the game, with York in complete control throughout.

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