Work Attire: Top Tips


By Shannon Leigh-Leather

Work attire can have a big impact on how you’re perceived in the workplace, whether you work for a fashion house or in an accounting firm – it’s important to convey an air of competence. But before you don the pencil skirts and blazers it’s as equally important to know the cultural norms of fashion in the company you are interviewing for.

There is no “one-size-fits-all” to interviewing outfits for every industry out there. It depends whether the atmosphere of the company asks for a more creative or conservative approach to your clothes and its important to get it right – employers base who they hire on the personality you exude as well as the talents and skills you have (which means it’s all the more vital that you dress correctly for the role).

If you show up in normal business attire such as a black skirt and white blouse for a fashion magazine interview, it would show them that perhaps you aren’t as fashion-savvy as you seemed on paper and wouldn’t be suitable for their atmosphere. So, remember to dress for that job! The same goes for a formal-setting job, although you would dress more understated you can still let your personality show in a small manner through accessories.

Creative Outfits
There are many ways to let your personality show through your outfit in a creative setting – there are more options on what to wear. For example, you could wear a black jumpsuit paired with a navy blazer and a clutch bag. Remember that what you wear is up to you so you may as well try to stand out

Formal Outfits
In a formal setting, it would be best to dress in a traditional interview outfit – a silk or cotton blouse with black trousers or a pencil skirt. But, instead of blending in with other candidates, wear a popping colour on your shoes or bag and bring accessories into the mix by wearing a chunky necklace.

Shoes should be comfortable enough to walk around on all day. If, like me, you need to move around a lot for your job, they are a must. Although, if you do need to wear heels, bring a pair of flat shoes with you so you don’t have to wear them once you leave the office or wear heels that are just low enough that you can still walk around in them without killing your feet.
This is just the first stepping stone into finding what to wear to your interview, remember that people judge you in the first seven seconds of meeting you, so make those seconds count and dress to impress!
When you’re at the interview watch what other employees wear too, you may get the job and you wouldn’t want to make a blunder on your first day by dressing too formally. I remember when I started my second job in marketing and I assumed everyone would dress the same as my prior job. I started my first day in a dress only to realise that everyone wore jeans and a t-shirt, and there I was, wearing an outfit normally reserved for board meetings – if you take anything else from this article, it would be to check the dress code prior to starting the job.

Good luck!

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