How to celebrate the end of exams


Hallelujah. Exams are over! No more all dayers/nighters in the library, no more hysterical crying over last year’s perfect exam paper and no more stuffing your face with snacks because it’s ‘revision period and it doesn’t count’. It’s a chance to celebrate the end of the nightmare and start enjoying university again.

First things first, as soon as you finish your exams it only seems fitting to have a night out. After basically months of not having a drink it really marks the occasion of putting your pen down for the last time. Having a drink outside in the sunshine certainly welcomes a long fun summer ahead away from your degree; so make the most of the sun when it is actually visible. It’s almost a guarantee in Lancaster that it will rain the next day and you don’t want to miss your one chance to enjoy a drink and get your sunny specs on.

But there are so many ways to celebrate your exams that aren’t just confined to Lancaster. Your purple card offers you a great discount on Blackpool pleasure beach tickets and in a few weeks I’ll definitely be heading there. Although as someone who doesn’t particularly like rides, I will most likely spend all of my day celebrating by holding the other’s bags or going round and round on one childish ride that will not make me have a panic attack – stress doesn’t leave you altogether when exams are over you know! Or you could go up to the lakes for a day out. You can get a direct bus straight to Keswick from the bus station and have a walk (hike more like) up one of the famous fells or rent a boat and go rowing on the lake, pretending you’re in The Notebook and that Ryan Gosling is actually romantically whisking you away.

It’s always a good time to go home for a few days as well. Devour the delicious homemade cooking and cherish your beloved bed considering you haven’t had those luxuries in a while. Having to cook, clean, look after yourself on top of all your revision has certainly been a challenge and it’s really important to have some days off. Just make sure you’re back in time for the last couple weeks of term. With grad ball, extravs and the last night of the year coming up, there is so much uni stuff happening to keep you entertained in Lancaster towards the end, or keep you steadily hungover and poor. Probably both. So celebrate the end of your exams however you want to but make the most of it, it either all starts again in September or you actually have to become an adult and get a job. Neither sound appealing.

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