SCAN Sport Editor’s Charitable Feet


This year has already seen charity being put to the forefront of the Union, not least because of the establishment of a new cross campus officer position for Charities, won by Mia Scott. Students have also dug deep to support other charitable causes such as Liz Ashworth and Symi Jackson’s head shaves, which raised thousands for their respective causes. And now SCAN’s own Sports Editor, Will Taylor, is attempting to walk the Hadrian’s Wall, just short of 90 miles, in under 80 hours.


Taylor and good friend Jack Ritson, will be attempting this feat in late August, following the tragic death of Taylor’s epileptic cousin, who was mugged and struck on the head, leading to permanent epilepsy. The charity walk will see Taylor and Ritson walk from Newcastle to Carlisle in less than three days. Taylor’s cousin also left two young sons, Oliver and Ben, who both love heroes and superheroes. To honour that, Taylor and Ritson are also attempting the challenge dressed as superheroes.

All money raised from this event will go to the National Society for Epilepsy, which will go on to help others who suffer from epilepsy deal with consequences of their condition. We are renowned as a tolerant, caring and charitable Union. Let us be charitable once more, for a very worthy cause.


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