Get your sexy on


Most people’s idea of university is a Skins-esque, alcohol-induced sex-fest littered with endless parties and general debauchery. Obviously that’s not the reality (at least not for most people) but it cannot be denied that there is a reasonable amount of bed-hopping, whether it’s after two bottles of discount vodka or after a romantic date into town. I’m not here to tell you not to have sex; everyone here is an adult and knows what they are doing – most of the time. But there are a few rules I’m going to lay down for you if you’re going to be getting hot under the sheets.

1. Stay safe
Condoms aren’t everyone’s idea of fun, but unless you’re in a long-term and committed relationship they’re the quickest and easiest type of contraception. You can get them from your college officers; it might seem embarrassing to ask but they’ve heard (and probably done) a lot worse. You can get them from the LUSU info desk or from the medical centre on campus. Condoms don’t protect against everything though, including everyone’s favourite: genital warts… So make sure you go for -regular check-ups to keep your bits in tip-top condition.

2. Tequila? Leave it!
It would be naïve to think that the sexual encounters that occur in freshers aren’t alcohol induced, because many are. Alcohol gives you self-confidence you wouldn’t otherwise have, and while something may seem like an amazing idea at the time, it can leave you cringing the day after. If you’re seeing double, it’s probably not the best time to be hooking up with someone you’ve just met. If you can’t remember their name, it’s probably best to forget about it.

3. No means no
You should never feel pressured into doing anything you don’t want to do. Maybe you’ve sobered up, you’re feeling sick or they’re just not as attractive as the dark rooms in Sugar led you to believe. Either way, you are one hundred per cent within your rights to stop at any time. Going back to someone’s flat isn’t a direct invitation into your pants, plain and simple.

4. Watch for sharks
There is something about first term that turns Sugar into a cattle market and it isn’t just freshers. Second and third years are out in force, looking for the best ‘fresh meat’. These are the ones you need to stay away from. Yes, they’re probably very charming and funny, but these are the one night stands which will go on to tell all their friends, quite literally, your ins and outs.

5. And finally…
If you’re looking for love, Sugar is not the place to do it. We all know at least one couple that met on a night out and really hit it off, but this is the exception, not the rule. For most of us, a pick-up on a night out is just that. If you’re looking for something a bit more meaningful take them for dinner. That way no hearts are broken because of a drunken mistake.

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