Revision releases


On the day of our last exam, in the back of our tired minds, we all hear the imaginary countdown music, signifying our closeness to freedom. Walking out of the final exam is one of the best feelings of term time, because we all know relaxation can begin immediately. After a million hours of sleep followed by many visits to the Sugarhouse, we still need to find time to relax. After exams, we can have an amazing time resuming our normal social life and balance some great revision releases that are within our student budget.

Seeing as summer is swiftly approaching, it is time to make the most of some low budget BBQs. All you need is a group of friends, a portable BBQ and some great summer music. Gather a group of friends and divide the cost of burgers, buns and hot dogs by putting your money together and parting with a few quid. Portable BBQs are readily available and usually won’t blow your budget, meaning you can have a great day socialising in the sun. BBQs are available to buy on campus at a reasonable price, so get your food and drink together and head down to the field to spend the afternoon soaking up the sun. Just remember to follow the university rules and set up camp in one of the designated areas and you can have a great afternoon or evening chilling around the BBQ and relaxing with friends.

With the ever changing weather in England, we all know to make the most of the sun when it is here. So why not pack your beach bags and head to Morecambe? With bus prices only costing around £5 to take you directly there, you can spend the whole day lying on your beach towel and completely forgetting the stress of revision. If that seems optimistic, why not walk along the beach with an ice cream, or failing the weather, visit the bowling alley, which offers student discount. It is a chance to get competitive on your friends and see who among you is a champion bowler and by a champion I mean someone who manages a strike without the trusty side bars up. If you are feeling more adventurous and looking to head further a field then why not spend the day at Blackpool? The pier offers lots of fun and exciting ways to spend your day and you can get rid of your pennies on the slot machines too.

Cocktail parties are always fun and make the most of being loud after the quiet period. Create the perfect summer setting with an iPod blasting your favourite tunes and invite plenty of your favourite people. Create some of your own summer cocktails by looking up recipes on the internet or buy some cheap fruit juice and become experts in mixing, tasting and hopefully enjoying your creations.

Just because we are students on a budget, it doesn’t mean we can’t have a great time banishing the memories of revision from our lives. The summer is calling and it’s up to us to make the most of the time we have left of this academic year. Look on the Internet to find day trips, go and spend time in local beer gardens or just have movie nights and spend time with your friends. We deserve some fun after all of our hard work, wouldn’t you agree?

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