Getting Wet Feet


The new fitness trail around the edge of campus seems a great idea, but I’m wondering if whoever designed and built it might have thought they were somewhere other than Lancashire.

I hate to remind people of this but it rains here. Quite a lot. The woodchip trail has become completely waterlogged so your feet

sink through it into the puddles and mud underneath, so it might as well not be there. The wood bridges that join up some of the trail are great except when they’re wet, when they get extremely slippery. On top of that, only a few weeks after it was set up some of the slats in the bridge had already had bits snapped off. Just another thing the Uni are wasting our money on. Get rid of that, and the Learning Zone, and use the millions to make a skyscraper bar. That might at least serve its purpose.

Benjamin Colm

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